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Co2 Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistols

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

CO2 airsoft pistols use compressed carbon dioxide gas in order to drive airsoft pellets out of the pistol barrel at high speeds. Similar to the compressed air used in paintball, the compressed CO2 is contained in a canister that connects to the airsoft pistol through a valve. This valve is in turn connected to the trigger, and when the trigger is pulled a short burst of high speed CO2 flies into the pistol and then out of it through the least difficult path – the open barrel. This propulsive force is used to fire the airsoft pellet at a reliable, fast speed.

CO2 airsoft pistols are fundamentally different from spring airsoft pistols because they use an entirely different form of mechanical force to eject the airsoft pellet out the barrel. A spring can fire pellets reliably, but springs wear out over time – every time a spring is used to fire an airsoft pellet it deforms slightly, and over time force and accuracy decline.

The main advantage of CO2 airsoft pistols over spring fired models, and the main reason why any serious airsoft player should look at buying one of the many models available, is that gas canisters are not themselves part of the airsoft gun. They can be removed and replaced easily, and when the gas runs low they can be refilled and reused. Most canisters have an indicator that shows when the gas pressure is running low and therefore when a refill is needed. They won’t suffer from unpredictable but ever-slowing performance over time.

Another advantage: springs break. valves can break, but because there is less mechanical motion involved with opening and closing a valve it is less common. If a spring breaks inside an airsoft pistol it can take a lot of time to replace it. Not so with a gas powered pistol.

P90 Airsoft Gun - Tokyo Marui Review


  • Composite Construction
  • Full-Metal Gearbox and Spring
  • Integrated Red Dot Sight


  • Electric Tokyo Marui AEG P90 Airsoft Rifle


  • FPS: 325
  • Magazine Capacity: 68
  • Size: 504 mm

Not Included:

  • Requires: Small Type 600mAh 8.4V battery
  • Silencer is not included

If you don't already know, let me inform you, the FN P90 is certainly one of the most sought after airsoft guns out there. This is a very powerful and slick looking rifle, which is not only easy to use, it is also ideal for both left and right handed people because the cocking handle can be found on both sides of the firearm. The P90 is a weapon that was originally designed for personnel that could not ideally use long arms. Such people may be tank crews or vehicle drivers. If you think about it a tank crew can’t just pop out of the hatch holding an M-16.

One of the most sought after Airsoft guns made by Tokyo Marui is the FN P90, but there are other popular P90's that are made by other big companies like the Classic Army P90 and the Jing Gong P90 TR. These are also great P90 airsoft guns that can certainly get the job done.

Aside from it being powerful and accurate, it also looks great. Though it does have a cocking lever this is purely aesthetic; seeing how the P90 airsoft gun uses an 8.4v battery. Another feature that you will want to pay mind to is the rail on the side that is for mounting a light or laser sight. The light will be great if you are engaging in an Airsoft war of some sort under the cover of night and need to see your way through a dark forest. This could also of course draw others to you, so you need to be careful about what exactly you mount on your P90.

Users have reported that the Iron Sights work reasonably well and the BBs in the magazines don’t rattle when you walk around. Not only will you be able to shoot extremely accurately, people will have a hard time finding you so long as you employ other stealth tactics, and don’t rely on the silent nature of the weapon that you carry.

Now for the big question: How does it hold up? Well, as far as we can tell the P90 airsoft gun from Marui is extremely durable and you won’t have to worry about it falling apart any time soon. Naturally you shouldn’t take it apart unless you have to, but it’s a decent product nonetheless. You can enjoy several hours of Airsoft games for years to come without worrying about the state of your firearm.

The History Channel on Airsoft

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Airsoft Video

At Get Some Airsoft we love airsoft guns and the entire sport. If you enjoy playing airsoft and are serious about the game then you need to visit our site. We have the best airsoft guns, airsoft rifles, airsoft pistols, and airsoft gear in Utah.

The Origins of Airsoft

Monday, November 3, 2008

Airsoft was first played in the late 1970s. It was based off of the concept of realistic looking guns that shot non-lethal projectiles for sport and simulation purposes. There were guns of this style before airsoft, such as the Mattel Shooting Shell guns of the late 1950s. The U.S. military even tinkered with ideas of this type after World War II. The bb guns that existed before shot metal bbs that could do a lot of damage to a person and in rare cases kill them. Mattel’s guns were an innovation at best though.

Airsoft originated in Japan, where owning real guns was illegal. The first manufacturers were long standing toy companies like Masudaya, Fujimi, and Matsushiro. These companies saw a great business opportunity and filled a void. They believed it would be a great idea to market bb guns that could safely be shot at any one person and not seriously injure them. They got the idea from paintball guns, which were fast becoming very popular at the time. The airsoft guns were spring powered, single shot weapons. Many of the first airsoft guns used unusual ammo such as the 7mm long range and the soft rubber ammo used by Trademarks’ guns. Later, they would realize that a normal size round bb would be cheaper and more proficient to manufacture.

Soon after, the Daisy Company, who was known for over a century as the premiere manufacturer of bb guns in the US, decided to start marketing airsoft in North America during the 1980s. Until then, airsoft was unheard of outside Japan. Daisy had contracted the Maruzen Company of Japan to manufacture a line of spring powered guns to sell in the US. Many of which already existed in Japan and were being repackaged and sold in the States. These guns used special ammo that was loaded into shell casings. The airsoft guns included rifles, shotguns, pistols, and submachine guns. All of these were made created by Maruzen except for one model which was manufactured by the Falcon Toy Corporation. The airsoft guns that were being manufactured were so realistic in appearance that many anti-violence organizations showed disfavor towards them in America.

Several Japanese companies started to manufacture guns using BV, or bullet valve, around 1985. BV used a direct flow of gas from an external tank which usually was Co2 or compressed air. This powered the mechanism which allowed the airsoft guns to fire in a fully automatic mode. The Japanese economy hit an all-time low in 1990. A lot of large companies had invested in factories and during the recession these companies were unable to survive the debts that they had acquired and were forced to sell out. This created the end for gas driven airsoft in the 1990s. Many companies were forced to close their doors and the most memorable of these companies had to be JAC. Their ambitious World War II line of guns, featuring the BAR and the Thompson, were made of metal and wood and used real gun parts like the mag shell, but it proved to be too expensive to produce during that period and caused them to declare bankruptcy. Now, contrary to belief, Tokyo Marui was not a factor in the closure of classic companies.

In the late 90’s, classic airsoft guns began to see a bit of a new start. Companies like Youth Engineering started to manufacture guns using the old BV system. Now, in recent years the Escort Company of Japan began a vigorous campaign new gas powered guns. Escort began creating new airsoft guns in-house such as the MP5 and others. These guns appealed more to skeptics because many of them used the AEG magazines. Escort was also the first to branch out into other ideas including the first truly functional airsoft gas hand grenade and the remote detonated Claymore mine. Escort guns also offered a degree of realism that had never been seen before in airsoft when they offered the full-stroke blowback in their guns.

Top 20 Ways to Tell You're a Noob

You Know you are an Airsoft Noob When…
  1. All you rely on is Hi cap mags and spray and pray. And that's the ones who have regular guns instead of a SAW or LSW.
  2. You post a thread asking about people’s opinions of a gun, and then get upset when they call you a Noob.
  3. You ask the question "What is the best AEG for under $50 or $100?"
  4. You look at people and call them crazy for buying real tactical gear and good guns, then wonder why your gear falls apart.
  5. You show up to airsoft games and try to grab other peoples gear or guns without asking them.
  6. You call magazines "clips".
  7. You ask how you can upgrade your Cyma/Cybergun AEG, and then get angry when told that it cannot be done.
  8. You send off applications and requests to join every airsoft team in your area without ever having played.
  9. You think Classic Army is the most original company to ever make AEGs.
  10. You think Tokyo Marui is pronounced "To-kee-oh Mao-ri."
  11. You think Cybergun makes the best airsoft products available.
  12. Your boots and BDU's are worth more than your gun.
  13. You carry 2 Springer pistols just in case.
  14. You have a light on your pistol during a daytime event because it looks cool.
  15. You wear a woodland top with fleck tarn pants.
  16. You wear a medic armband to identify yourself as a medic.
  17. You wear bright white Nikes to events.
  18. You wear hunting camo to events.
  19. You think that there is no difference between .12s and .20s.
  20. You go to airsoft arms and ask 50 billion questions which are totally useless and you ask to hold every gun, and then ask questions about it.

Airsoft is a great sport to get into and everyone has to start somewhere so please do not take offense to this blog post. Everyone starts out an airsoft noob so learn quickly and get quality airsoft guns and airsoft gear from Get Some Airsoft.

Top 50 Ways To Tell You're Addicted To Airsoft

Sunday, November 2, 2008

You know you are addicted to airsoft when:

1. You have more airsoft buddies phone numbers in your cell phone then relatives.
2. The night before an event, you sleep on the ground because your guns are on the bed.
3. You sleep in your plate carrier.
4. You forget your sleeping bag at a three day event and sleep in soft gun cases because onsite has 20 of them.
5. Can't wait for the "GI Joes and Army Hoes" party because it gives you a reason to wear your camo to a party.
6. Interrupt your girlfriend speaking because her little brother walked by with a GBB.
7. Play video games in full gear and get pissed because you can reload faster than the scripted action in the game.
8. Day dream up a reason why your girlfriend should try airsoft rather than going to the mall.
9. Laugh at your girlfriend because she can't shoulder your m4 correctly.
10. Live on ramen noodles so you have more money for airsoft guns and gear.
11. Your first tan-lines of spring are on your wrists, neckline of your BDUs, and the rings around your eyes from your goggles.
12. To get your full attention, your girlfriend has to call you by your call sign.
13. You trip, fall, get hit by something, or get hurt in general and you say, “Hit! Medic!"
14. You have 3 windows open on your desktop, all logged into AO. A window for reading threads, a window for writing posts, and a window to idle in the chat room.
15. The only reason you go outside is to show off your new camo
16. You will only target shoot when you have your camo on
17. More than once during school you have "hit the dirt" because you mistake a book dropping as a grenade.
18. You don't date because you spent all your money on your latest "investment" on airsoft and there is no way you would let some girl that doesn't wear camouflage on a regular basis drag you away from an airsoft field to watch a movie.
19. You find some need to drive all conversations away from whatever they are and change it to a conversation about your new airsoft gun.
20. You "lost" your homework because you shot a hole in your target and you needed a piece a paper to cover it up.
21. You wouldn't miss an airsoft skirmish even when you had the flu.
22. Your mom can give the name of almost every gun you own.
23. You've actually wondered what different BB's taste like and actually tried them!
24. You decide not to attend prom & use the cash for gear.
25. You start a very general airsoft thread, log on after several days, and think "My God what did I create!"
26. The first thing you do when you go online is check every airsoft website for new guns
27. You have tons of bb stashes in your house. Each consisting of over 100 bbs.
28. You stop referring to people as friends, and start referring to them as those you have shot and those you haven't.
29. You find some need to change the subject of every conversation you have to an airsoft topic.
30. You pawn everything you own to get your next airsoft gun.
31. The FedEx truck or the UPS truck shows up daily to drop off supplies you ordered.
32. You dig through your neighbors recycling bin looking for cans you can scrap to fund your airsoft gear.
33. You have to decide between feeding your kids or buying that new gun that you just must have.
34. The FedEx driver knows your name and says more airsoft guns huh?
35. You constantly check threads to see if you actually are addicted to Airsoft!
36. You've named all your guns.
37. You have more than one post on any airsoft thread.
38. Everything that you have come up with pertains not only to you but mainly to Loki because we all have some need to stalk him.
39. Everyone else went to see "The Dark Knight" and you played airsoft.
40. Your I.D. card at work has your call sign on it.
41. All of the call signs hit a little close to home.
42. Kids at school try to bash your children by saying stuff like, "Your momma wears combat boots!" and your son replies, "How did you know?"
43. You overhear somebody mention going commando, and you ask them what style camo they wear.
44. You use words like "fondle" or "ogle" about a gun your buddy bought instead of "see" or "hold"
45. You can describe in detail the differences between the m4a1, m4tc and m4 commando.
46. You hunt down aesthetics mods for your gun that you will never buy, but fantasize what you'd look like on the field with it.
47. You ask your girlfriend "what do you want for Christmas?" she answers "if you loved me, then you'd know." and you buy her a CA M16 with an m203 launcher, 300$ optics, and 2 grenade shells with NO hesitation at all.
48. You try to get your friends into airsoft so if they don't like it, you can buy their (practically) new gun for cheap.
49. The 7-11 clerks don't question why you’re carrying a rifle and side-arm when you go in to buy energy drinks.
50. When your friends come over to visit, they enter your house wearing goggles because they know one of them is going to get shot.

If you are addicted to airsoft like many of us out there are, try Get Some Airsoft for some of the best airsoft guns, airsoft gear, and airsoft accessories in the United States.

Cleaning Your Airsoft Gun

Maintaining and cleaning your airsoft gun will keep a new gun shooting like new longer. If you purchased a used gun, you will want to start off fresh and clean your airsoft gun. Cleaning your gun will also help you better understand exactly how your airsoft gun works.

4 Reasons to keep your gun clean:

  • Enhanced performance
  • Maintain/increase accuracy
  • Reduced jamming
  • Faster shooting

Now, before cleaning your gun make sure to remove the power source.
Depending on the type of airsoft gun you have you will do one of the following:
  • Dry shoot to confirm it’s not cocked-spring action guns
  • Remove battery pack-electric guns
  • Disconnect CO2 tank-pressurized gas guns
To clean the exterior of the airsoft gun:
  • Wipe clean with a clean non-abrasive cloth
  • Use cotton swabs for crevices and hard to reach areas.
To clean the magazine of the airsoft gun:
  • Remove magazine
  • Clean the magazine the same as the exterior
  • All moving parts should have a drop of oil added
  • Replace magazine

To clean the barrel of the airsoft gun:
  • Turn of hop up system on gun
  • Spray a .22 cleaning patch with silicone
  • With patch on rod, insert in into barrel to clean
  • Use an in and out motion
  • Swab barrel 3-4 times
  • Repeat swabbing procedure with a dry patch
  • When patches come out clean after dry swabbing, you are finished!

There are gun-cleaning kits available online and in stores. If you need a good place to get some gear to clean your gun try our website. If you run out of swabs you can always use tissue paper or toilet paper.

After cleaning your airsoft gun, be sure to have a few trial shots before going out. You do not want to find out later that you did a poor job and need to adjust your shooting or re-clean your gun again!